Que los políticos utilicen You Tube para hacer campañas modernas y atrevidas ya resulta un tópico de periodistas pretendidamente "a la page", pero que alguien utilice You Tube para utilizar a un político en provecho propio, ya es más novedoso, que dirían esos mismos periodistas.

Y eso es lo que ha hecho Barelypolitical, una web satírica que ha lanzado un video en el que la exuberante modelo y actriz Amber Lee ("Obama girl") expresa su amor por Obama. La bonita canción lleva por título "I got a Crush...On Obama".

Lo más divertido del asunto es atender los argumentos que aduce Ben Relles, uno de los creadores del invento, para justificar la creación de la canción y del pertinente vídeo: "Our goal is to bring humor and engage the younger generation into politics". O sea, incentivar la participación de los jovenes en la vida política. Sin duda una razón estimulante que merece ser imitada.

La letra dice así:

Barack Obama:
I want to thank all of you for your time, your suggestions, your encouragement, and your prayers.
And I look forward to continuing our conversation in the weeks and months to come.

Obama Girl:
Hey B, it’s me. If you’re there, pick up.
I was just watching you on C-SPAN. [Sigh] Anyway, call me back.

You seem to float onto the floor
Democratic Convention 2004
I never wanted anybody more
Than I want you
So I put down my Kerry sign
Knew I had to make you mine
So black and sexy, you’re so fine
‘Cause I’ve got a crush on Obama

I cannot wait, 'til 2008
Baby you’re the best candidate
I like it when you get hard
On Hillary in debate
Why don't you pick up your phone?
'Cause I've got a crush on Obama
I cannot wait, 'til 2008
Baby you’re the best candidate
Of the new oval office
You’ll get your head of state
I can’t leave you alone
‘Cause I’ve got a crush on Obama

You’re into border security
Let’s break this border between you and me
Universal healthcare reform
It makes me warm
You tell the truth unlike the right
You can love but you can fight
You can Barack me tonight
I’ve got a crush on Obama

I cannot wait, 'til 2008
Baby you’re the best candidate
I like it when you get hard
On Hillary in debate
Why don't you pick up your phone?
'Cause I've got a crush on Obama
I cannot wait, 'til 2008
Baby you’re the best candidate
Of the new oval office
You’ll get your head of state
I can’t leave you alone
‘Cause I’ve got a crush on Obama

B to the A to the R-A-C-K-O-B-A-M-A (Barack Obama) [8x)
‘Cause I’ve got a crush on Obama

Obama y su equipo han dicho que no tienen nada que ver con el asunto.


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SANTIAGO TORRES, periodista i autor de documentals